The Ecolympics : A totaly sustainable activity

The Ecolympics: a zero waste mission - All year round - From 20 to 100 people.


Ecolympics: a zero waste mission

The Ecolympics are an original and fun way of raising your employees' awareness of the environment in a fun and friendly atmosphere. This initiative offers challenging activities for your eco-responsible and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) team building.

The Ecolympics concept is based on a rotation system, with teams competing against each other in each event. Each event is designed to highlight eco-responsible practices and encourage waste reduction. Participants are encouraged to think creatively and innovatively to solve the challenges presented to them.

Customisable activities

The Ecolympics can be fully customised to meet your CSR objectives. You can choose the events that best match your values and needs. For example, you could organise a waste sorting event, where participants have to separate the different types of waste correctly. Or you could offer a recycled object creation event, where teams have to use recycled materials to make useful objects.

In addition to the challenges, you can also include time for discussion and awareness-raising on themes linked to the environment and waste reduction. Experts can come along to share their experience and give practical advice to participants

A prize-giving ceremony for the best-performing teams

The Ecolympics ends with a prize-giving ceremony for the 3 winning teams. The awards recognise the efforts of the participants and reinforce their commitment to the environment. Prizes can be symbolic, such as eco-responsible certificates or trophies.

SPECIAL CHARITY WIRE: You can also decide to add a charity dimension to your activity. The points earned are converted into euros and the money raised is donated to the charity of your choice.

The Eco-Olympics are an excellent way of uniting your employees around a common cause and strengthening team cohesion. As well as raising your teams' awareness of the environment, this initiative allows you to put in place eco-responsible practices within your company. By encouraging waste reduction, you are helping to preserve our planet and build a more sustainable future.